Kote - Pricing tables with editor

by NPetrovich

Short Description

Kote - is the pricing tables in modern flat design. Perfect design to display subscription plans. With this design you will easy achieve 100 score on Google PageSpeed. Easy to correct view of items in embedded table editor. Get styles in CSS, Stylus, LESS or SASS versions.


To build idea-perfect table needed for your website you can use embedded editor. Under each table located editor button, use it to open this preset in editor. All settings in editor split by elements that located in preset, just change values of inputs and table will rebuild instantly.


You can use existing presets. To get it`s code, look at name of the table, find HTML code in 'index.html' file, it will be separated with comments like this:

1 2 3 4 5
<!-- Preset 1.1 begin -->
<div class="table-item-1-1">
<!-- Preset 1.1 end -->

To get it`s styles, look at name of the table, find CSS, Stylus, LESS or SASS code in style presets file - it will be separated with comments like this:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
/* Preset 1.1 begin */
    margin: 50px;
    padding: 30px 15px;
/* Preset 1.1 end */

You can use Pug code instead of HTML. Code in 'presets.pug' file, it will be separated with comments like this:

1 2 3 4 5 6
//- Preset 1.1 begin
	var pros = [
			a(href='javascript:;') Get
//- Preset 1.1 end


Presets using em CSS sizes. By changing initial value of font size in main preset container you are able to change it is scale proportionally. String with 1em setup will look like this:

1 2 3 4
/*  Preset 1.1 begin */
    font-size: 16px; /* 1 em initial setup */

Font Awesome

You can use Font Awesome 5 icons any where in template. To do this select an icon in this search, open it and copy code from the item to html. It will look like this:

<i class="fab fa-font-awesome-flag"></i>

File Structure

File Type Description
assets Folder Folder with all assets of the template
=> fonts Folder Folder with all fonts data
=> => font-awesome Folder Folder with all font-awesome data
=> => poppins Folder Folder with all main fonts data
=> scripts Folder Folder with all scripts
=> => script.js Javascript Main logic javascript file of the template
=> style.css Stylesheet Main style css file of the template
=> favicon.ico Icon Icon for demo page
index.html HTML Main file of the template
presets.css Stylesheet CSS file with styles of presets
presets.less Stylesheet LESS file with styles of presets
presets.scss Stylesheet SASS file with styles of presets
presets.styl Stylesheet Stylus file with styles of presets

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You can get a free gift if you will contact me and share your experience of using this item. Your story may help to improve item quality, and you will get this improvements for free with the next update. Dependently from use of your experience I will define "size" of the gift. I can send you any item from my library for free, give you free freelance hours or more. You can contact me via Envato profile page or use contacts from this documentation, it is located in the blue sidebar under the navigation. Thank you for purchase and may the Force be with you!