Login box with facebook

Looking for an easy way for your users to become members of your site ? Look no more because login box with facebook support has it all. Two click login, optional recapcha integration, even Buddypress extra register fields.

Shortcode based

Just write the shortcode you need and the directory appears.

Global Support

Works on all major html5 browsers and any theme.


Engage with your mobile and tablet audience.

Install in minutes

Install the plugin in seconds, then just copy shortcodes you need.

All themes

Will work in any theme menu and inside content.


Included documentation with all customization settings.

Easy setup

Just drag into your menu like any other menu item. Choose from login box, login button, or register button. All of these will summon the login box, but will go to login or register as requested.

Also can be integrated in content via shortcode.

Custom settings

.. for showing the login text. Choose style for account button, login button, register button. Each from the three predefined settings. Or add your own css easily if you have css knowledge.

From mobile to HD

Facebook login box will display perfectly on all your retina devices. And allows full functionality on handheld devices. Android and iOS pre-tested.

Easy Install

Install Login box in just a couple of minutes. Docs are also there.


From mobile to HD, Login box are ultra responsive. Also has retina graphics.


Customize Login box with the many options included.

SEO Friendly

Built with SEO in mind, Login box parses html content into working magic.