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indicator navigation thumbnail 026

01 - Get Started

Note: This documentation Page is only for indicator navigation thumbnail 026 layout. It has no link with other layouts if you want to read their documentation then click here

Required Files And Folders

Please follow the instructions:

  1. Please upload the paradise folder to your server. In this folder you will find the following sub folders containing all of the slides content:
    • js
    • css
    • fonts
    • images
    • font-awesome-4.7.0
    If your Paradise Slider is placed in a different folder, don’t forget to change the file paths in the upcoming examples!

  2. This step is very important, because product functionality depends on these files, so please first of all attach these files carefully. CSS in <head> section and JavaScript in <body> section:
Note: All these files are only for indicator navigation thumbnail 026 layout only

Or by using CDN

You can load Bootstrap and jQuery files with a single line of code from their official online sources. You don't even have to download or install anything!

mega vs single

You can use Paradise Slider CSS in two ways:

HTML Markup

After attaching all of the above files, insert following HTML to the <body> section. This HTML defines your slider content.


<!-- Paradise Slider -->
<div id="in_th_026" class="carousel slide in_th_below_box_026 thumb_scroll_x swipe_x ps_easeOutInCubic"
data-ride="carousel" data-pause="hover" data-interval="4000" data-duration="2000">

    <!-- Indicators -->
    <ol class="carousel-indicators">
      <!-- 1st Indicator -->
      <li data-target="#in_th_026" data-slide-to="0" class="active">
        <!-- 1st Indicator Image -->
        <img src="paradise/images/in_th_026_01_sm.jpg" alt="in_th_026_01_sm" />
        <!-- 1st Indicator Text -->
          <h5>Lorem ipsum dolor</h5>
          <p>In in velit quis arcu ornare laoreet urabitur adipiscing luctus
          massa nteger ut purus ac augue commodo ornare.</p>
      <!-- 2nd Indicator -->
      <li data-target="#in_th_026" data-slide-to="1">
        <!-- 2nd Indicator Image -->
        <img src="paradise/images/in_th_026_02_sm.jpg" alt="in_th_026_02_sm" />
        <!-- 2nd Indicator Text -->
          <h5>Lorem ipsum dolor</h5>
          <p>In in velit quis arcu ornare laoreet urabitur adipiscing luctus
          massa nteger ut purus ac augue commodo ornare.</p>
      <!-- 3rd Indicator -->
      <li data-target="#in_th_026" data-slide-to="2">
        <!-- 3rd Indicator Image -->
        <img src="paradise/images/in_th_026_03_sm.jpg" alt="in_th_026_03_sm" />
        <!-- 3rd Indicator Text -->
          <h5>Lorem ipsum dolor</h5>
          <p>In in velit quis arcu ornare laoreet urabitur adipiscing luctus
          massa nteger ut purus ac augue commodo ornare.</p>
    </ol> <!-- /Indicators -->

    <!-- Wrapper For Slides -->
    <div class="carousel-inner" role="listbox">

      <!-- First Slide -->
      <div class="carousel-item active">
        <!-- Slide Background -->
        <img src="paradise/images/in_th_026_01.jpg" alt="in_th_026_01" />
        <!-- Slide Text Layer -->
        <div class="in_th_026_slide" data-animation="animated fadeInRight">
          <h1>paradise slider</h1>
          <a href="#">show more</a>
        </div> <!-- /in_th_026_slide -->
      <!-- End of Slide -->

      <!-- Second Slide -->
      <div class="carousel-item">
        <!-- Slide Background -->
        <img src="paradise/images/in_th_026_02.jpg" alt="in_th_026_02" />
        <!-- Slide Text Layer -->
        <div class="in_th_026_slide in_th_026_slide_center" data-animation="animated fadeInUp">
          <h1>paradise slider</h1>
          <a href="#">show more</a>
        </div> <!-- /in_th_026_slide -->
      <!-- End of Slide -->

      <!-- Third Slide -->
      <div class="carousel-item">
        <!-- Slide Background -->
        <img src="paradise/images/in_th_026_03.jpg" alt="in_th_026_03" />
        <!-- Slide Text Layer -->
        <div class="in_th_026_slide in_th_026_slide_right" data-animation="animated fadeInLeft">
          <h1>paradise slider</h1>
          <a href="#">show more</a>
        </div> <!-- /in_th_026_slide -->
      <!-- End of Slide -->

    </div> <!-- /in_th_026_slide -->

</div> <!--End Paradise Slider-->

Note: The Above example will create three slides. This HTML Structure is only for indicator navigation thumbnail 026 template

02 - Slider HTML Elements

Bootstrap Carousel Contents

Bootstrap Carousel is the foundation of this slider. The main structure of Bootstrap Carousel which is used in this template is as following:

    <div id="myCarousel" class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel" data-pause="hover" data-interval="4000">

        <!-- Wrapper For Slides -->
        <div class="carousel-inner" role="listbox">

            <!-- Slide -->
            <div class="carousel-item">

                <img src="image.jpg" alt="image" />




We have assigned our own id to the first <div> that is in_th_026 (IndicatorNavigation_Thumbnail_026)

Slide Contents

The content for the slide is as following:

      <!-- Slide -->
      <div class="carousel-item">
        <!-- Slide Background -->
        <img src="paradise/images/in_th_026_01.jpg" alt="in_th_026_01" />
        <!-- Slide Text Layer -->
        <div class="in_th_026_slide" data-animation="animated fadeInLeft">
          <h1>paradise slider</h1>
          <a href="#">show more</a>
        </div> <!-- /in_th_026_slide -->
      <!-- End of Slide -->

In this template we have used following components for Text Layer

Note: The active class needs to be added to the first slide. Otherwise, the carousel will not be visible.

03 - Classes

We have used following our own classes and id in this layout, that control and change the whole slider.

#in_th_026 : Describe the Slider's Unique Id.

.in_th_below_box_026 : This class makes images thumbnail with Text bottom of the slider

.slide : Enable sliding effect

.swipe_x: This class enables horizontal swipe function

.thumb_scroll_x: This class enables horizontal scroll function for thumbnail indicators

.ps_easeOutInCubic : This class enables Transition Timing Function for Slide Effect

.in_th_026_slide : Enable Styles for Text Layer Portion

.in_th_026_slide_right : Enable Styles for right Text Layer Portion

.in_th_026_slide_center : Enable Styles for center Text Layer Portion

Note: in_th Stands for " Indicator Navigation Thumbnail " and 026 means " Layout Number 026 ". And ps stands for " Paradise Slider ".

04 - Fonts

We have used the following Fonts in this layout. You can download these fonts from google fonts to get the same result of layout

05 - Controls

    <!-- Indicators -->
    <ol class="carousel-indicators">
      <!-- 1st Indicator -->
      <li data-target="#in_th_026" data-slide-to="0" class="active">
        <!-- 1st Indicator Image -->
        <img src="paradise/images/in_th_026_01_sm.jpg" alt="in_th_026_01_sm" />
        <!-- 1st Indicator Text -->
          <h5>Lorem ipsum dolor</h5>
          <p>In in velit quis arcu ornare laoreet urabitur adipiscing luctus massa nteger ut purus ac augue commodo.</p>
      <!-- 2nd Indicator -->
      <li data-target="#in_th_026" data-slide-to="1">
        <!-- 2nd Indicator Image -->
        <img src="paradise/images/in_th_026_02_sm.jpg" alt="in_th_026_02_sm" />
        <!-- 2nd Indicator Text -->
          <h5>Lorem ipsum dolor</h5>
          <p>In in velit quis arcu ornare laoreet urabitur adipiscing luctus massa nteger ut purus ac augue commodo.</p>
      <!-- 3rd Indicator -->
      <li data-target="#in_th_026" data-slide-to="2">
        <!-- 3rd Indicator Image -->
        <img src="paradise/images/in_th_026_03_sm.jpg" alt="in_th_026_03_sm" />
        <!-- 3rd Indicator Text -->
          <h5>Lorem ipsum dolor</h5>
          <p>In in velit quis arcu ornare laoreet urabitur adipiscing luctus massa nteger ut purus ac augue commodo.</p>
    </ol> <!-- /Indicators -->

In this layout we have used images thumbnails with text to move from one slide to another. We have created these thumbnails in the bottom of the slider. In this layout we have used following components for thumbnail text layer

We have created the following additional functions to control the slides:

  1. .slide

    This class enables Sliding Effect.
    If you want to know about other animation effects of sliding please click HERE.
  2. .swipe_x

    This class enables swipe function. You can controll the slides by dragging the mouse button horizontally and in touch devices this class also enables the touch control.
    If you want to know about other functions click HERE.
  3. .thumb_scroll_x

    This class enables horizontal scroll function for thumbnail indicators.
    If you want to know about other functions click HERE.
  4. .ps_easeOutInCubic

    This class enables Transition Timing Function for Slide Effect.
    If you want to know about other Transition Timing Function for Slide Effect please click HERE.
  5. .in_th_below_box_026

    This class makes images thumbnails with text in the bottom of the slider
  6. data-pause="hover"

    This attribute pauses the slider from sliding through the next slide when the mouse pointer enters the slider, and when the mouse pointer leaves the slider it resumes the sliding.
  7. data-interval="4000"

    This attribute specifies the delay (in milliseconds) between each slide.
  8. data-duration="2000"

    This attribute specifies the duration (in milliseconds) of sliding.

06 - Animation

We have used animate.css of Daniel Eden for animation. In this template we have used three animation effect as follow:




You can create animation by using the data attribute like data-animation="animated flipInX"

      <!-- Slide -->
      <div class="carousel-item">
        <!-- Slide Background -->
        <img src="paradise/images/in_th_026_01.jpg" alt="in_th_026_01" />
        <!-- Slide Text Layer -->
        <div class="in_th_026_slide" data-animation="animated fadeInLeft">
          <h1>paradise slider</h1>
          <a href="#">show more</a>
        </div> <!-- /in_th_026_slide -->
      <!-- End of Slide -->

For complete list of animation effects please Click Here

07 - Slider Settings

We have created a separate page for slider settings please Click Here

08 - Images

In this Layout we have used following size images

1732 x 1155 in pixels.

200 x 133 in pixels for thumbnails.

3:2 Alway keeps its aspect ratio when you want to change the size of the image

09 - Support

Please do not hesitate if you have any queries about this product. We are always there for your help. You can contact us on this e-mail address szthemes53@gmail.com