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Effects of Sliding

Class .slide class Effect
.slide Yes Slide Left To Right
.ps_slide_y Yes Slide Vertically
.carousel-fade Yes Fade-in & Fade-out
.ps_zoom_i No Zoom In
.ps_spread No Spread In & Out Horizontally
.ps_spread_y No Spread In & Out Vertically
.ps_rotate_scale_c No Clockwise Rotate + Scale
.ps_rotate_scale_o No Clockwise Rotate + Scale Zero

Transition Timing Function For Slide Effect

Class Class Class
.ps_ease .ps_easeInOut .ps_speedy
.ps_slowSpeedy .ps_easeOutInCubic .ps_swing
.ps_easeOutCubic .ps_easeInOutCubic .ps_easeOutCirc
.ps_easeOutExpo .ps_easeInQuad .ps_easeOutQuad
.ps_easeInOutQuad .ps_easeOutQuart .ps_easeInOutQuart
.ps_easeOutQuint .ps_easeInSine .ps_easeOutSine

Ken Burns Effect

Class Work With
.kbrns_zoomInOut All Demos Except Background Image Attach In CSS
.kbrns_zoomOutIn All Demos Except Background Image Attach In CSS
.kbrns_zoomIn All Demos Except Background Image Attach In CSS
.kbrns_ltr Only kenburns_064, kenburns_065
.kbrns_rtl Only kenburns_064, kenburns_065

Modal Appearance Effect

Class Class
.ps_modal_zoomIn .ps_modal_zoomOut
.ps_modal_fadeInLeft .ps_modal_fadeInRight

Swipe, MouseWheel, Thumbnails

Swipe MouseWheel Thumbnails
.swipe_x : Horizontal Swipe .mouse_wheel_y : Only Upword .thumb_scroll_x : Horizontal Scroll
.swipe_y : Vertical Swipe mouse_wheel_xy : Upword & Downword .thumb_scroll_y : Vertical Scroll

Swipe Function:

By using swipe function you can controll the slides by dragging the mouse button Horizontally and Vertically in touch devices this Function also enables the touch control. Please follow the instructions:

MouseWheel Function:

By using MouseWheel funciton you can move through the slides with mouse wheel. Please follow the instructions:

Thumbnails Scrolling Function:

In Indicator Navigation Thumbnails Layouts this function helps in scrolling the thumbnails according to the sliding. Please follow the instructions:

Navigation Buttons

Indicators Buttons

Class Image
.ps_indicators_y Vertical Indicators
.ps_indicators_l Indicators Left Side
.ps_indicators_bx Indicators border Horizontal
.ps_indicators_ld Indicators Round Left And Down
.ps_indicators_square_trns Indicators Square White And Transparent
.ps_indicators_length_x Indicators in the bottom and left side of the slider
.ps_indicators_numbers_x Numbers indicators in the top and left side of the slider
.ps_indicators_numbers_y Vertical Numbers indicators in the top and right side of the slider
.ps_indicators_numbers_y_c Vertical Numbers indicators in the Center and right side of the slider
.ps_indicators_numb_brdr Horizontal Numbers indicators in the top and left side of the slider
.ps_indicators_numb_long long indicators with numbers in the bottom and center side of the slider
.ps_indicators_numb_glow glow indicators with numbers in the bottom and center of the slider
.ps_indicators_long_striped top and right striped buttons
.ps_indicators_num_sm bottom and right small numbers buttons
.ps_indicators_square_dots top and left square dots buttons
.ps_indicators_radius_icons top and right radius indicators with icons
.ps_indicators_square_num bottom and right square indicators with numbers
.ps_indicators_radius_num bottom and left radius indicators with numbers
.ps_indicators_caption bottom and left indicators with caption
.ps_indicators_txt_caption top and left indicators with caption
.ps_indicators_brdr_caption top and right indicators with border and caption
.ps_indicators_text top and center indicators with text
.ps_indicators_txt_db top and left indicators with text and double border
.ps_indicators_txt_rdb top and left indicators with text and double radius border
.ps_indicators_txt_icon indicators with text
.ps_indicators_cs_icon CSS icons
.ps_indicators_blue blue color indicators box
.ps_indicators_orange Orange color indicators box
.ps_indicators_gray Gray color indicators box
.ps_indicators_yellow Yellow color indicators box
.ps_indicators_green_line Green color indicators box
.ps_indicators_reddish_num Green color indicators box
.ps_indicators_ylow_num Yellow color indicators box
.ps_indicators_brown Brown color indicators box
.ps_indicators_gray_lg Large Gray color indicators box

04 - Support

Please do not hesitate if you have any queries about this product. We are always there for your help. You can contact us on this e-mail address szthemes53@gmail.com