
Demo Two

Open Demo Two - This demo enables all fields, and shows how easy it is to use custom labels with the fields. All fields can enabled and re-labeld using simple jQuery plugin options eliminated the need to edit the plugin and other code like in past versions.

Here are some other demos you can try that show how easy it is to enable / disable fields, change labels, etc.

Advanced Close Options

New "Advanced Close Options" allow you to enable or disable the ability to close the popup form by clicking outside of it, or using the escape key. You can also trigger close events using any element you want!

Better Processing

The plugin includes a basic form processing script for you to start building your contact system. This time around all data is easily used how you want.

Easy Label Change

Changing field labels and placement text is now super easy. Just specify your custom labels as options making it easy to localize your form, change titles. etc. You can even give the subject list a comma seperated list of values to use in the drop down menu.

100% Customizable

Wtih easy to eddit CSS and fully commented JS source files, HTML5 Popup Contact form can be modified to fit pretty much any needs you may have.

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