Bonus Separators.



Enjoy a collection of separators to match your parallax blocks. These work on any parallax block, even on sliders. Some examples of parallax blocks are:

  • separator-bigcurvedline

    a separator with a big curved line on the middle from left to right, classy and neat

  • separator-2triangles

    a separator with a big curved line on the middle from left to right, classy and neat

  • separator-2triangles

    a separator with a big curved line on the middle from left to right, classy and neat

"This is separator 2triangles"
John Doe

Boxed Layouts Work Too.

Worried that you have a boxed layout site and this only shows fullwidth examples ? No worries, DZS Paralllaxer works in any context, any size. Just check the examples above how well they perform in a boxed layout.

Of course, the same rules apply, you can have any html content. Sliders, videos, fonts, blockquotes, testimonials. The separators can be applied on boxed elements, no problem at all.

custom colors for separators

custom colors for separators

Sliders Supported.

And of course you can apply the same separators on any content you wish like sliders. You can apply two separators, one for the top and one for the bottom.

Also, you can flip separators, on either x or y axis. Or on both like the example to the right. You can change the color of the separators to match any background.

Easy Install

Install DZS ZoomPlayer in just a couple of minutes. Docs are also there.


From mobile to HD, DZS ZoomPlayer are ultra responsive. Also has retina graphics.


Customize DZS ZoomPlayer with the many options included.

SEO Friendly

Built with SEO in mind, DZS ZoomPlayer parses html content into working magic.