Each elements inside The Parallaxer can have their own parallax elements that animated based on the main parallax container.
You can animate any css property for the elements. And each can have their own animation. At the bottom of the page there is a sample parallaxer which you can use for example like a creative team module.
The code for animating each property is easy to understand with some basic css knowledge.
<div class="dzs-col-3 dzsparallaxer--team-member-con" style="text-align: center; width: 20%;" data-parallaxanimation='[{property:"opacity",value:"{{val}}",initial:"0",mid:"1",final:"0"},{property:"transform",value:"translate3d(0,{{val}}px,0)",initial:"-30",mid:"0",final:"0"}]'>
Some properties you can animate:
Worried that you have a boxed layout site and this only shows fullwidth examples ? No worries, DZS Paralllaxer works in any context, any size. Just check the examples above how well they perform in a boxed layout.
Of course, the same rules apply, you can have any html content. Sliders, videos, fonts, blockquotes, testimonials. The separators can be applied on boxed elements, no problem at all.
From mobile to HD, DZS ZoomPlayer are ultra responsive. Also has retina graphics.
Customize DZS ZoomPlayer with the many options included.
Built with SEO in mind, DZS ZoomPlayer parses html content into working magic.